Thursday, May 12, 2016

My Review on BVS (Batman V Superman)

Today I'm going to be talking about the movie Batman V Superman. I saw this movie about a month ago with my friends HyperNet and Destined Warrior. Check out their blogs by clicking their names. They do Gaming News, Reviews, and Comic Reviews. But anyway I went to see the movie after I saw all the bad reviews on it, and going to the movies I wanted the movie to be good, but I wasn't expecting much from the reviews. Once we got to the theater, when the movie started out, I was amazed of how much though Zack Snyder put into this movie. I when it started out, when the pearls broke from the gun, and the bullet casing falling onto the ground, it was just so amazing and looked straight out of a comic book. Not to mention but I think Ben Affleck was an amazing Batman, and his suit was so good, I honestly think this was the most Comic Iconic Batman I've ever seen in live action. Some things people complained about in the movie were Lex Luthor. I honestly think that this was supposed a young Lex and was supposed to be setting him up for the evil one that we all know today, more or less I think it was an origin. I would've liked the movie more if Joker was in it, but I'm not gonna complain about it. Another time where Zack Snyder really pulled the pages out of the comic books is that shot from The Dark Knight Returns, when the lightning was in the background, but in the movie it's when Doomsday is shooting Batman. Here's the shot.
Another thing people were complaining about was in the Nightmare Sequence when Batman used a gun, first of all a lot of people didn't know that was just a dream, and second of all people don't that Batman has used a gun and killed in past comics. Mots peoples reviews on this movie is 5/10, but mine is a full fledged 10/10. I think this movie had the most comic iconic Batman, and not to the mention the entrance to the Batcave was straight out of the Arkham Games, along with Batman himself. I mean just take a look for yourself
People also say that Batfleck was to mean of a Batman in this movie, but after what I think would be the death of Jason Todd, he would be like that. This is also how Batman is in the Arkham games and nobody complains about it. Now in the upcoming Solo Batman film, I'm hoping that it will have the story line of A Death In The Family, because it would jsut be amazing seeing a live action adaptation of this comic, but all in all I really think this movie set up the Justice League, and not even just that, I think it set up the whole DC Cinematic Universe. Like I said before I rate this movie a solid 10/10 and hopefully I will have a new post out soon.

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